I am The Girl

I'm taking off from Jennifer Camp's post today.  I thought it would be a good time to think about these things.  I hope I answer her prompts truthfully and maybe by doing so, I'll find answers for myself.

I am that girl who believes that I have a whole world inside of me that is waiting to be discovered but simply do not have time to do so.

I am that girl who loves meaningful moments.

I am the girl who runs away from the crowd.

I am the girl who hides when there are too many things to do that overwhelms.

I am the girl who laughs when I am with people who crack jokes that come from their ability to be comfortable with their own foolishness.

I am the girl who cries when I am forgotten.

I am the girl who grew up in a small family that weathered many storms and experienced the goodness and Mercy of God's restoration.

I am the girl that struggles with so many aspects of herself.

I am the girl who longs for a peaceful rhythm in life and a place free to be who I am.

I am a girl who knows that there is more to young people than what adults say and that their hearts run deep with stories waiting to be told.

I am the girl who is afraid of not being able to do what I'm meant to be doing.

I am the girl who wants to weave words about the stories she sees from everyday life, the joy and the pain all intricately woven in love.  I am the girl who wants to write songs and make music that can be shared.  I am the girl who wants to unearth young people's hopes and help them make their way into the world unfraid.  I am the girl who wants to build organizations that are bound by solid values that help create more jobs for others.  I am the girl who wants to make more beautiful things out of this life.


  1. You are the girl who is beautiful and brave and a warrior and adored. Oh, wow, friend, you are stunning, here. Thank you.

    1. Thank you Jennifer! Your words always inspire me. :)

  2. I really like this girl! :) Lovely post as always Kathy!


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