Heart Beating Inside His
I am silent and my heart acknowledges the vulnerable rhythm of its beating. Only a few more days till Christmas and I let myself soak it all in. This journey into truly understanding what the season means. I've been following devotional after devotional and as much as I want to write about everything I read or listen to or see, I do not have a lot of time. Today I'm given the grace of time, and words because I am just moved by the story of 2 mothers listening to the beating heart of a daughter gone.
I read the story from Ann Voskamp's post today on "What to Do With a Hurting Heart This Christmas". The title of the post just captured me because it's what I have been thinking about for many days. How do people who are experiencing situations of aching celebrate Christmas?
She illustrates this by sharing the story of 2 mothers and a daughter's heart. And I watch and let my own heart be moved.
Ann writes, "When God hears your heart, that’s what He hears — the still-beating heart of His Son. The Tree is where God’s grace does heart transplants: God takes broken hearts —- and gives you His."
I want to listen to my own heart with a stethoscope and see what I will hear. I wonder what the beats will sound like. I wonder if tears will well up my eyes too knowing that the core of my heart is Christ's?
So many things are to be ached for this Christmas. Life can use a bit more certainty. A bit more company. A bit more joy. A bit more abundance. A bit more peace. A bit more love. A bit more faith. A bit more authenticity. A bit more.
And when our hearts ache don't you always feel like it's breaking? Don't you always feel like it won't last the day? Don't you always wonder where you're gonna get the next rush of strength just to keep it pumping so you can love? And Live?
I quiet down this morning and think of my heart and how the very of core of Christ has been planted in there peacefully like His presence in the tabernacle.
My heart will beat not because of me, but because of Him. And I'll be able to get up again and again and love again and again. And live again and again. Because of Him.
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