After A Long Incubation

The week felt long and short at the same time. If I can only grasp the words to say it all I’d be the most liberated person alive. But oh, how complicated can thoughts be that one has to be really still just to find all of them swimming to and fro between the right and left hemisphere of my brain.

Stillness of the mind after a long activity at work is usually a challenging feat for me. But here I am still trying to carve my way into creativity.

This morning I had a moment savored. I was driving at 120kph up Aguinaldo Highway going towards Tagaytay for the last day of our Strategic Planning Workshop. The sun has just about risen. A Starbucks grande caramel macchiatto on my left hand pulled close to my chin. The light of the sun’s rays cast lightly down the left side of my face causing me to see a glow from the left windshield. A bird flies overhead. And the road was long that the drive felt like flying.

I had some words tucked in my mind and spoke them softly to myself. I can vaguely remember them but I remember saying…

Even if I do not see the whole world with my own two eyes, at least I can still close them and savor a dream.

It felt reassuring to be able to say that to myself. I ended up passing by Pink Sisters House of Prayer before going to the hotel. I spent a good 30 minutes just sitting there waiting for the tears to fall. It’s one of those moments of stillness that never escape you when you are in a consecrated house of prayer. I suppose the grace is overwhelming. And when you are at loss for words, there is nothing else to express your heart with except tears.

So I sat there and let the feelings and thoughts dance with the solace until I was overcome by a calm I couldn’t explain.


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