Mary's Tears
I got this article on my inbox this morning and found it very enchanting to read about the tears of Mary. Very little is said about the Blessed Virgin and the mystery of her life is something that captivates me. The grace of her demeanor. The strength of her resolve. And although I cannot really grasp everything about her life, there is just something that draws me to keep getting to know her. I'm pondering about this article written by Leon Bloy who is a French Novelist and poet who "reflects a deepening devotion to the Catholic Church and most generally a tremendous craving for the Absolute. His devotion resulted from a complete dependence on charity." I'm imagining how a writer like him lived his life dependent on donations from friends and acquaintances just to sustain his pursuit of the craft. I'm imagining how his circumstances have led him to ponder upon the spiritual truths that led him to gaze face to face at the Virgin's tears. ...