Stirrings of Unity

The tension subsided as soon as I sat outside on the front porch and opened  Chiara Lubich's book "Stirrings of Unity".  It was timely because I was feeling a big of a gnawing on the inside after last night's meeting on the things that needed to be finished for our work projects this month.  

Pressure can do a lot of damage to a person.  Too much of it can break their spirits and steal their hope.  I know I still have a lot to improve on when it comes to dealing with pressure.  But I've learned that overcoming the aggressive force of pressure takes grace.  I woke up this morning and asked for that grace. I wanted to make that choice and choose grace.  

So after a quick breakfast, I spent some time outside and relished the morning air.  Flipped the pages of the book and found illumination.
It takes such time and effort, sometimes to detach ourselves from our occupation, from the world and from things.  To recollect ourselves and concentrate on God.  Yet as soon as we have done it, we feel that we would rather never turn back, so pleasing to the soul is the union with God, and so ephemeral and nauseating by comparison are all things that are not He. (Chiara Lubich, Stirrings of Unity)
Breathing spaces in a day are essential.  I haven't been able to find a consistent one.  I get too wrapped up into the busy situation to crawl underneath the shadow of wings.  I think when people are able to breathe more, they are able to love more.  The inherent gentleness in their souls become visible and tenderness will not be scarce.
When unity with our brethren becomes difficult let us not break, but bend until love works the miracle of one heart and one mind. (Chiara Lubich)


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