On The Power of Introverts

I saw this video in a friend's Facebook page.  Watched it.  Thought to myself.  I should play this video for people who often misunderstand me and what I am about.  Why I easily tire when I'm around people.  Why I am never stimulated when I am amongst crowds.  Why I would rather lock myself up in my room and cuddle up on my couch with a good book.  

It's painful really.  To often face other people who do not understand your need for Quiet.  It's also painful when you do not find people who need the same thing as you do.  I've been thinking about this for quite a while now.  How I am often finding myself alienated amongst the majority because I am an introvert.  And how I value contemplation a lot more than the constant need for activity.  

More and more I find that it is necessary to admit this part of me that longs to withdraw from the crowd every now and then not so much because I am anti-social but because I find that I am able to appreciate their company more when I've appreciated my own in a moment of creative solitude.

While I have experienced a few changes in the work environment that gives me hope that I will finally be able to release some of my creative attributes, I still worry about how my colleagues respond to my creative viewpoints.  Most would probably see it impractical because the value it can possible contribute is intangible.  

This is the environment I live in.   It's a constant battle and I pray that its a battle I can win.


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