Wading in Thoughts
I'm wading in a lot of thoughts this morning. Coming back from Easter break I find myself hobbling towards a less motivated perspective about work in the office. Having been surrounded by so many meaningful pursuits in ministry, I'm feeling less engaged to move forward the clutter that continues to slowly accumulate at in the office. I was reading an article from Harvard Business Press yesterday and it said, The Power of Progress Two other types of inner work life triggers also occur frequently on best days: Catalysts , actions that directly support work, including help from a person or group, and nourishers , events such as shows of respect and words of encouragement. Each has an opposite: Inhibitors , actions that fail to support or actively hinder work, and toxins , discouraging or undermining events. Whereas catalysts and inhibitors are directed at the project, nourishers and toxins are directed at the person. Like setbacks, inhibitors a...