On Andy Goldsworthy
I just finished watching Andy Goldsworthy's documentary entitled "Rivers and Tides". I am still quite speechless. Adi introduced me to this artist some time last year but I never really found the right time to appreciate the entire meaning of his work until today. I remember watching about 10 minutes of the documentary last year and told myself, I can't continue watching this because I am not able to absorb it and appreciate it as I should. Today was a rainy Sunday and it was perfect for watching this piece. I am still quite speechless. It has had a profound effect on me such that it's quieted me down and made me realize what a paradox life really is. His art is transient in nature. Taking everything from the earth's landscape: rocks, twigs, leaves, ice, vines. He uses natural means of putting everything together. He finds the essence of the piece of landscape and "dialogues" with it until it unravels a creative process in hi...